Slugger Film AB is an independent production company who specialize on Animation in all various formats and techniques. The company was founded in 2004 by Christian Ryltenius and Michael Ekblad. Both partners have a long and distinguished background within the animation industry. They have Directed, Supervised, Produced and Animated on several international Feature films, TV-series and Independent shorts. |
Some of the most well-known productions are ’Bamse’, ’Mamma Moo’, ’Pelle No-tail’, ’Molly Monster’ and ‘Karlchen’. |
Slugger Film AB is an independent production company who specialize on Animation in all various formats and techniques.
The company was founded in 2004 by Christian Ryltenius and Michael Ekblad.
Both partners have a long and distinguished background within the animation industry.
They have Directed, Supervised, Produced and Animated on several international Feature films, TV-series and Independent shorts.
Some of the most well known productions are; ’Karlsson on the roof’, ’Momo’, ’Wildlife’, ’Captain Bluebear’, ’Pippi Longstocking’, ’Bjorn Bear’, ’Derrik’, ’Werner’, ’Ferngully’, ’Space Jam’ and ’Max and Moritz’.
Their well documented work experience in all areas of the Animation industry is unique for the Scandinavian market. Slugger Film has from it’s start in 2004 focused on co-productions within the European market and has grown to become one of the leading Animation studios in Scandinavia.