Slugger Film AB is an independent production company who specialize on Animation in all various formats and techniques.
The company was founded in 2004 by Christian Ryltenius and Michael Ekblad. Both partners have a long and distinguished background within the animation industry. They have Directed, Supervised, Produced and Animated on several international Feature films, TV-series and Independent shorts.
We are an independent production company
We have produced and Animated on several international Feature films, TV-series and Independent shorts.
Check out whats new on Slugger Film
We have produced and Animated on several international Feature films, TV-series and Independent shorts.
New Bamse film in the making
Yes, we are making a new film about the world’s strongest bear. This time the main character is Nalle-Maja who accidentally drinks some XYZ-juice and becomes as small as an ant.
Mamma Moo Finds Her Way Home – Premiere Sep 9 2022
Slugger Films first film about the beloved Mamma Moo and Crow will finally have its cinema premiere in Sweden the 9th of September 2022.
BEST BIRTHDAY EVER wins audience award at Providence Children’s Film Festival in Rhode Island
We are happy to share the news that Michael Ekblad’s new feature BEST BIRTHDAY EVER has been awarded the Audience Choice Award.
Here is a selection of our projects
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